Been back in NZ for 5 weeks, spent the first 4 weeks at Kirsten’s house in Redcliffs, Christchurch. Last saturday I arrived at my Brother Bill’s in Rotoma for a 3 week working holiday mostly work with some Fly fishing when the conditions are good.
At Kirsten’s I mainly worked on the Pergola removing all the old plastic corrugate, below.

We decided to re cover it with Twin wall polycarbonate clear 8mm sheets, the problem with corrugate is all the moss grows in the lower sections of corrugate and hard to keep clean where as with flat sheet’s it can be hosed off.
The existing 25mm galvanised bars supporting the sheets had never been primed or painted so I wire brushed the welds and rusty area’s and coated it with rust protection and then primed and put two top coats on the bar’s, below painted and ready to cover.

The first two weeks the weather was like in the photo above, then the day before we started fixing the sheets we had a few days of rain which delayed the start and did some jobs inside and around the house.

The photo above and below I took before I left Kirstens for my trip to Rotoma, it was early in the morning and shows the new clear sheeting had morning dew on it so it looks more frosted than clear.

Below is Sumner beach which is always nice to be at and liviing at Kirsten’s it is very close and we walk Sadie her black pug regulaly along the beach, I didn’t manage a swim on this visit.

During my time at Kirsten’s I spent most weekends at my brother Gary’s in Amberley, photo below is Gary and his wife Christine while we were playing Dom’s. Gary has a lot of imediate family living in Amberley and it was nice spending time with them and this year I have spent time with all members of my family for the first time in 4 years which was nice after the two years of covid seperation.

Last week I finally got my car back (below) , in the end they got a second hand transmission and fitted it two weeks ago, it was driven up to the Car hire company in Christchurch where I had a rental car. It was GR8 to driving her again 🙂

I’m now at my brother Bill’s house by Lake Rotoma we’ve worked some days and fished a few evenings and one whole day today, no luck in catching one yet, almost did but it got away, its good to be by a lake again, below.