Welcome to Stay in Touch

Hi, as of Nov. 2021 this is where I’ll be sharing my journey. While I’m getting organised please feel free to enjoy some of my older content below my latest posts. Cheers Geoff
Spring time in Wanaka
Haven’t written in my blogg for 4 months mainly due to not having wi-fi in the bus where I was living. I moved out of the bus 2 weeks ago and now living at a friends house by the Hawea river and there is unlimited wi-fi here. It was a good winter with lots of… Continue reading Spring time in Wanaka
Winter in Wanaka
I arrived back in Wanaka on June 16th, arriving at Craig’s house which I have been building for the last three year’s. They moved into the house 18 months ago. They have an apartment on the end of their house which you can see at the back of the bus below. A few days after… Continue reading Winter in Wanaka
Back in Christchurch
After 3 weeks at my brother Bill’s at Lake Rotoma I’m now back in Christchurh for a week or two, depending on when and where the snow arrives. The ski fields have very little on the mountains at the moment but there is snow in the forecast for this coming week, Mt Hutt and Cardrona… Continue reading Back in Christchurch
Back in NZ.
Been back in NZ for 5 weeks, spent the first 4 weeks at Kirsten’s house in Redcliffs, Christchurch. Last saturday I arrived at my Brother Bill’s in Rotoma for a 3 week working holiday mostly work with some Fly fishing when the conditions are good. At Kirsten’s I mainly worked on the Pergola removing all… Continue reading Back in NZ.
Last week in the UK
I’m now back in New Zealand after a nice 4 week trip to the UK, it was GR8 spending time with family who I havent seen for 4 years. Most of the trip was with my son Steven and daughter Michelle, a week at both of them in turns and at the weekends I spent… Continue reading Last week in the UK
Back in the UK
Since I last wrote my lap top has had issues and has been out of action and will hopefully be up and running by the end of the week so
Two weeks to go at Red
We broke trail from the skin up point to the top of Roberts, after skiing the Gun barrel we went back up and no one else had been up the trail. When we got to the Gun Barrel we went further along the peak and went down a run called the Y chute which was… Continue reading Two weeks to go at Red
Below average winter
That 9cm in 24 hours was on the 15th and we haven’t had any new snow till last night its now the 20th. We got 2cm, which we believe is not worth reporting on the snow report but because its the worst winter I have experienced we’re happy to take anything :), it was a… Continue reading Below average winter
Rossland and Red Mountain
Above is the Kootney sea from the top of Sally’s alley a run on Red mountain. You can see Salley’s alley from town in photo below, which I took earlier in the season. Below is a view from the same spot with no Kootney sea (inversion fog) of the town Rossland and 9 K’s further… Continue reading Rossland and Red Mountain
Sunrise to Sunset
Last time I wrote I said there was snow in the forecast and in the morning there was a nice sunrise ( taken from the front door) the sunrise and sunset to me normally means the weather is changing and there is a front on the way, which it did but unfortunately we only got… Continue reading Sunrise to Sunset
Having fun in the mountains
Today we skied the other side of the ridge for the first time this winter and then walked back up and skied the Field of Dream’s. we don’t ski it very often because its not always safe to go there avalanche wise and when we do, we ski it with extra care and support for… Continue reading Having fun in the mountains
Still no new Snow
Been here a month now with two months to go :-). Above is a photo taken off Red’s web Cam last Friday as I was having my breakfast at home and getting ready to head up the hill. It is of the Paradise chair with the North face of Mt Roberts on the right which… Continue reading Still no new Snow
Week three
Been here 3 weeks now, since I last wrote we have been ski touring again off the ridge line in the photo. Down through the tree’s and also from where I’m standing down to the creek and then we skin back up, for another run, we do 3 runs on our little tour ending back… Continue reading Week three
From 2021 into 2022
The above photo was taken on New years eve, a beautiful end to 2021 especially ski-in the 60 cm of dry snow through the tree’s for 4 days at the end of the year. In the last photo of my last post which was taken from the town looking up at Mt Roberts and Red… Continue reading From 2021 into 2022
Xmas and the end of 2021
Hope you all had a safe and Happy Xmas, here in Rossland we woke up to 15cm of fresh snow overnight Xmas eve and 25cm over the past 24 hours. This happens most times I’ve been here on Xmas eve and into Xmas day, it didn’t fail me this year either. Its a real joy.… Continue reading Xmas and the end of 2021
Journey to Canada
Leaving Sumner beach behind last Friday I was on my way to Canada having a family weekend at my brother Gary’s in Amberley before flying out on Monday 20th. I had my International pre departure covid test on the Saturday and Sunday got the all clear to go with a negative. test Monday Gary drove… Continue reading Journey to Canada
Last week before Canada
The last weeks work at Kirsten’s saw the above wall painted with just the trim to the door’s to be stained a darker colour. On Tuesday the above photo was taken before we had 3 days of rain up till yesterday ( Friday) afternoon when the sun came out after I had finished work for… Continue reading Last week before Canada
Finally in Christchurch
It was such a GR8 feeling driving my car again, leaving Hawea at 8am and going to my container to drop my Bike and some other stuff off. Then at 9 I was finally on my way to Christchurch 6 weeks later than originally planned. I stopped off at Tekapo for lunch by the lake… Continue reading Finally in Christchurch
Test post
Moving into Limbo
After spending 4 months of the winter renting and looking after my good friend’s Greg and Kristina’s house above by the Hawea river, ( they have been stuck in and out of Lockdown in Melbourne since the end of March ). I was due to leave on October 20th and head to Christchurch and then… Continue reading Moving into Limbo