Today we skied the other side of the ridge for the first time this winter and then walked back up and skied the Field of Dream’s. we don’t ski it very often because its not always safe to go there avalanche wise and when we do, we ski it with extra care and support for our group while ski-in it.

There were three sections down the slope that we skied, we went down one at a time and watched for each other as we skied each section, above I was first down this section and my friend Dan is standing on the high bit on the left side of the photo.

Above is the Paradise lodge in the Paradise ski area which is a nice cafe lunch spot especially when its sunny like it has been everyday since the last storm a week ago. The base area has been in a inversion and has been foggy and colder down the base than up in the south facing Paradise area.
The ridge in the background of the photo is another back country area which takes 20 mins to walk up and ski the sunny slope back down to the ski area, the higher mountain is called Record which takes 45 minute’s to walk up. We haven’t been up there yet this winter due to Avalanche risk and the last two weeks the North aspects have been wind hammered, the East, west and the South aspects have been good.

In the photo below which was taken at the top of the field of Dream’s run you can see the inversion layer of the lower cloud which has up to about 1400 meters for the last 7 days,

That’s about all for this week, the mountain is not very busy which is nice for us skiers but not for business. Our next snow fall is due on Sunday to Monday morning, sadly not much about 10cm and then another sunny week so until next week stay safe and be happy 🙂