The last weeks work at Kirsten’s saw the above wall painted with just the trim to the door’s to be stained a darker colour.

On Tuesday the above photo was taken before we had 3 days of rain up till yesterday ( Friday) afternoon when the sun came out after I had finished work for the year :-).
My brother Gary came and picked me and all my stuff up to spend the last weekend with them before I fly out on Monday to Canada. Again Kirsten who was painting the green on the weatherboards has to finish off and stain the trim around the window with a darker oil stain.

Last weekend when I was at Gary’s I couldn’t find my passport and I had already checked Kirsten’s place with no luck so my last resort was to phone Alpine Auto’s in Wanaka to see if it was in my car.
Typically and luckily the car was still in Christchurch and after phoning the garage they checked and it was in the side pocket of the passengers door. Because I didn’t have any transport to go and pick it up Kirsten was in the area and she popped in to pick it up and when she did she sent me the photo (above) of where the car was and as you can see the Garage is owned by a guy with the same name as me, unbelievable. Celestine Prophecy book about co-incidences is a good read referencing these type’s of experiences. When I get back I’m going to have to get in touch with Geoff.

After some heavy rain on Wednesday Gary sent me a photo above of his lawn which had flooded and today Saturday after a day of sunshine it was back to its beautiful self below.

After a week of Omicron cases increasing around the world it looked like my flight to Canada was in danger of not happening but after the Canadian government revising the situation decided to leave the international borders open with the additional arrival testing as well as the departure test and double jabbed travelers only. 🙂
So this morning I had my departure test at the local medical center here in Amberley so now I just have to upload the result with my other stuff onto the Arrive CAN app before I fly out on Monday.
Next post will be next week when I’m in Canada, hopefully incident free.