It seems to be monthly now that I post on this blogg.
A few reason’s is I’m still using this site which is not my original blogg, it just appeared from where I don’t know and the people that have looked at my blogg over the years do not know of this one, I’ve told family and a few friends who I know looked at the old blogg.
Anyway since my last post, there has been no more ski-in even though we still get snow now and then but with no real base to ski on safely. So its been a month of riding my bike 2/3 times a week weather/work permitting.
Above is the last part of my ride up to the Sailz cafe in Hawea, the photo shows the track by the water race coming from the Dam of Lake Hawea which you see below the snowy mountains.

I’m now working 3 days a week and have almost finished the pond and deck at Calum’s house, latest photo’s of which will appear in the next post.
Right is a photo of the house I have just started showing the layout of the house in pink ready for the digger to start digging the anchor pile holes and foundation footings.
The owner Craig is giving me a hand and is no rush to get it built and is happy for me to work no more than 3 days a week on it.

Left is a photo I took a few days ago just before the concrete was poured into the holes with boxing supports for the Anchor Brackets which are for the steel frame structure from the floor slab up, the piles are 1300 deep and the concrete was pumped into the holes by the concrete pump you see in the picture left.
The owner Craig is standing in the photo, the snow capped mountains in the top left of the photo are the ones you can see in the top photo on the NW shores of Lake Hawea.

Right is the back wall of the house with four anchor piles.
The next 3 day work schedule is to get all the footing steel with starters in place ready to pour the footing concrete which is planned for a week tomorrow.
The footings is the trench in the photo running between the piles and is the outside walls of the finished house.
Then the block layer comes and lay’s two rows of blocks up to the concrete floor level which I hope to be done by Dec 3rd which is when I take December off work to meet Michelle my daughter, Grandson Liam and his girlfriend Alice at my brother Bill’s house near Rotorua on December 11th.
I fly to brother Gary’s on the 3rd for a few days and off to Bill’s on the 5th and do a bit of fly fishing till Michelle arrives.