Spring is well and truly with us now, not just with the weather but also Treble Cone ski field is closed and yesterday I went for my first bike ride for over a month which there will be more of each week.
Even though Treble Cone is closed Cardrona is still open till the 21st.
I went there last Friday and at the moment it is school holidays so it is very busy and I will probably do another couple of days after the school holidays from the 15th.
Closing day at Treble Cone was on the 23rd September and as always we dress up in fancy dress and above is a photo of Lynley, Lilly and myself in our fancy dress gear, I was a punk in Hawian wear, Lynley was a butterfly and Lilly was a Fairy.

The weather was good for us this year, last year it was a cold cloudy day. The ski-in was very good and we had GR8 spring conditions and right is me coming down Bullet in the saddle.
We only managed to get 3 runs in the saddle before they closed it as the Temp’s were rising and the snow above the track to the saddle was becoming dangerous for avalanche which they did every day for the last 4 days of the season, one day they didn’t even open the saddle.
The rest of the mountain was fine and it got too soft and sticky pretty quick and we only skied till 1-30, and that was the end of another good season at Treble Cone 🙁 🙂

Meanwhile back down in the town I started to work 3 days a week for the last two weeks and the deck I had been working on during the winter was starting to take shape.
Above is a photo I took yesterday after finishing off the decking up to and around the pond in the center of the photo.
The next stage is to batten out the side walls and then clad it with the same decking.
Calum and his son Angus have a pond liner and will be lining the pond with Steps along the inside of the long walls to create a platform for soil to grow lilly’s and other pond plant life.

Right is another photo looking back towards the house and along the front and soon the vine that is over the Pergola is a Wisteria vine and the flowers are just starting to bud out so it will look and smell very nice.
Another job maybe before the Pond gets clad ed and lined is to seal the decking to protect it from weather and walk wear.
Also work wise I’m starting to build a house for a friend next week, so there will be some new work photo’s of the house in progress.
I’m working 3 days a week from now on and no more.
My friend and his partner are OK with that, they are not in a hurry to get it done as they live in a very nice House bus on the property, photo’s of their bus and work done around the bus appeared on this blog last year before I went to Canada.
Craig who has been our handy man on all our projects over the last 10 years wants to build it with me so all the non restricted work he can do when I’m not there.
It is a steel Core house in a kit set form so its going to be an interesting project, the foundations have to be spot on for this type of build, which is one of my pluses in building.

As I said earlier in the post yesterday I went for my first bike ride for over a month and I did my usual ride along the three rivers, The Cardrona, The Clutha and The Hawea river up to Hawea for a Mocha and a muffin at the sailz cafe.
I rode against a strong wind on the last half of the ride up to Hawea and it took me 67 min’s, 10 min’s longer than my average ride up to the cafe and on the way back with the wind behind me it was a effortless and enjoyable ride of 53 min’s.
Above is a photo I took about halfway along the track with Treble Cone in the center of the photo still showing a lot of snow still covering the mountain.