Since my last post its been the same as same as, a few days work and 3/4 days ski-in a week, with a few rest days in between.
A few Saturday’s ago Derek and I went for our first ski tour for 4 weeks, its not been a GR8 winter for touring especially when I compare it with Canada when we were touring 4/5 days a week, because of the tree’s the snow is more protected from the wind and the sun and conditions stay good longer 🙂
Here in NZ we don’t have the tree’s to protect our snow so the conditions for touring aren’t always good.

That Saturday Derek and I went touring from our other ski field Cardrona which is the first time in 3 winters since I last skied there.
But this day it was one of the best conditions we’ve had on the south and south east aspects which can be icy or wind affected.
As you can see by the photo’s it was a beaut of a day and there was about 12cm of fresh snow with no wind affect which is unusual.
Above is me ski-in on our first run and the next photo is lower down the run where we stopped and hiked back up to the ridge in the center of the photo.

Then we skied from the ridge down for our second run (left).
Even though we only did two runs it was a very good day’s ski-in in very good conditions and it was also a long hike back to the Cardrona ski area where we skied back to Derek’s truck.
With only three weeks now till Treble Cone’s closing day the ski-in there has been good with the snow softening in the warm sun as we now enter spring time, the sun is higher in the sky and the day’s are warmer.
As for work, I’m still working two days a week on the fish pond and proposed deck.
I have got most of the joist’s down and fixed to the old concrete patio and the concrete footings we built in place for the joists.
There is still about a days works before I’ll start laying the hardwood Quila decking.
The two photo’s above and below show the area to be decked out around the existing house.

Other than the work and ski-in the rest time is very enjoyable .
It would be nice to not work at all but I do enjoy it especially when its only 2/3 days week.
I did go swimming in our new pool this last week and try to go there once a week and have a soak in the hot pool after my lane swimming.
I also went for my first bike ride on Wednesday for two months which was nice and look forward to doing it more regular when the ski-in is done.